We invite you to get an education in Belarus in higher educational institutions, colleges of the Republic of Belarus.
In Belarus, the preparation of I and II stages of education, highly qualified personnel (postgraduate, doctoral studies), scientific research is carried out, a scientific school is well developed, modern education, a developed technical base for education. There are 42 universities in Belarus / including academies — medical, veterinary, military /
Over 250 specialties can be obtained in the humanitarian, technical, economic, military medical field of education.
The structure of specialties is constantly being improved: new specialties have appeared related to the development of information technology, nuclear energy, space, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology and bioengineering and other modern specialties.
Training is conducted in Russian and English. You can start your studies with the preparatory department /studying the Russian language and specialized subjects required for admission to the first year of the university./
Affordable tuition and a strong scientific school, a professional teaching school, recognition of diplomas, a rich cultural life and a favorable geographical position in Europe make education in Belarus attractive.
If you are interested in studying and want to become a student — or if you need information to make a decision — you can contact us — to obtain it, and we also provide the following services:
— provide information on study opportunities in Belarus, conditions for admission and obtaining a student visa;
— we will select a university for you to study;
— we will prepare a complete package of documents required for admission to the university;
— receiving an invitation from universities to study;
— full support upon arrival in Belarus for training;
Thousands of students from different countries of the world / China, African countries, Asia and so on / are already studying in Belarus — join us!
You can send us an email or whatsapp.
